马克年代. 萨顿
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, International 纸
马克年代. 萨顿
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, International 纸

马克·萨顿于1月1日成为十大正规赌平台平台董事会主席, 2015, 11月1日上任, 2014. 在成为CEO之前, he served as president and chief operating officer from June 1, 2014年至10月31日, 2014 with responsibility for leading and running the company’s 全球业务. 他自2014年6月1日起担任十大正规赌平台平台董事会成员. 

萨顿 has been with the company his entire career. He joined International 纸 in 1984, as an engineer at the Pineville, La.,机. In 1994, he was named mill manager at the Thilmany, Wisc. 这家工厂当时是十大正规赌平台平台工业用纸业务的一部分. In 2000, 萨顿搬迁到欧洲担任欧洲瓦楞包装业务总监,并被提升为副总裁兼总经理,负责欧洲七个国家的所有瓦楞包装业务, the 中东和非洲) region in 2002. 2005年,他被任命为战略规划副总裁,并搬迁到孟菲斯. 2007年被任命为供应链副总裁,2008年当选为供应链高级副总裁. 2010年,萨顿成为高级副总裁,负责美洲地区的印刷和通讯文件. 萨顿 was appointed senior vice president – industrial packaging in November 2011.

萨顿 serves on the 董事会 for The Kroger 十大正规网赌游戏平台 (NYSE: KR), 在美国各地经营超市和多百货商店的零售十大正规网赌游戏平台. He is a member of the Business Roundtable and The Business Council. He also serves on the board of directors of the American Forest & 纸 Association, Memphis Tomorrow and the LSU Foundation. 

他持有Louisiana State University的电气工程学士学位.

粘土R. 埃利斯
Senior Vice President, Global Cellulose Fibers
粘土R. 埃利斯
Senior Vice President, Global Cellulose Fibers

粘土埃利斯 joined International 纸 in 1992. 在他的职业生涯中, he has served in a variety of manufacturing, 工程, 技术, 商业和领导角色.

He became an officer of the company in 2012. In 2019, he was elected senior vice president, Enterprise Operational Excellence. 2023年,埃利斯被任命为全球纤维素纤维高级副总裁.

He serves on the board of The National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI),以及孟菲斯儿童“从摇篮到事业”的合作伙伴seed Success. 埃利斯之前曾任职于the National 纸 Trade Association和AF的董事会&PA印刷,写作和纸浆部门,以及孟菲斯基督教运动员团契.

埃利斯在路易斯安那州立大学获得化学工程学士学位, and completed Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.

Senior Vice President, Supply Chain and Information Technology
Senior Vice President, Supply Chain and Information Technology

艾梅格雷格 was elected senior vice president, supply chain and information 技术 in January 2023. 在这个角色中, she has leadership responsibility for the global sourcing, disruptive technologies and operational excellence organizations. Aimee于2002年加入十大正规赌平台平台,担任销售团队有效性职位,并曾担任各种销售职位, 负责十大正规网赌游戏平台北美工业包装业务的运营和领导工作. 她于2018年被任命为十大正规网赌游戏平台官员,最近担任副总裁兼总经理, 纸板和回收. 

Aimee represents the company as Chairperson for the AF&PA纸板部门. 在她的社区里, 她是the Women’s Foundation of Greater Memphis的董事会成员. Aimee earned her MBA from Clemson University.

Senior Vice President, 北美集装箱 and Chief Commercial Officer
Senior Vice President, 北美集装箱 and Chief Commercial Officer

Tom Hamic joined International 纸 in 1991. 在他的职业生涯中, he  has served in a variety of 销售, 市场营销, 金融, strategic planning and leadership roles in the United States and 欧洲. 

2009年,哈米奇被任命为十大正规网赌游戏平台高管,2018年,他当选为高级副总裁. 2020年至2022年, Hamic领导IP的全球纤维素纤维业务和十大正规网赌游戏平台的商业努力. In 2023, Hamic was named senior vice president, 北美集装箱 and Chief Commercial Officer.


Senior Vice President, 制造业 and Environment, Health and Safety
Senior Vice President, 制造业 and Environment, Health and Safety

Allison格尼斯被选为高级副总裁,负责制造和环境、健康 & 安全(EHS). 在这个职位上,她领导十大正规网赌游戏平台的制造领导以及技术 & capital execution, fiber supply and EHS organizations. Allison于2000年加入十大正规网赌游戏平台担任工艺工程师,并于2016年被任命为高级管理人员. She has held a variety of 工程, manufacturing and leadership roles, most recently serving as vice president, 南部地区, 北美集装箱. 艾莉森在奥本大学获得化学工程学士学位.

蒂姆年代. 尼科尔斯
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
蒂姆年代. 尼科尔斯
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

蒂姆·尼科尔斯于2018年6月当选为十大正规赌平台平台高级副总裁兼首席财务官, a position he previously held from 2007 to 2011.

尼科尔斯在包装和造纸行业有近三十年的经验. 他于1999年通过十大正规网赌游戏平台收购Union Camp加入十大正规赌平台平台, where he held a series of 金融, business planning and leadership positions. He has held numerous roles at International 纸 including senior vice president, industrial packaging the Americas, 领导十大正规网赌游戏平台在美洲的纸张和纸浆业务,并担任十大正规赌平台平台欧洲十大正规网赌游戏平台的副总裁兼首席财务官. 他也是威尔德伍德的总裁, formerly a wholly-owned subsidiary of International 纸 in Vancouver, 英属哥伦比亚.

托马斯J. 普拉斯
Senior Vice President, Human 资源 and Corporate Affairs
托马斯J. 普拉斯
Senior Vice President, Human 资源 and Corporate Affairs

汤姆·普拉斯于1991年加入十大正规赌平台平台,在考考纳的蒂尔玛尼磨坊担任人力资源助理, 威斯康辛州. 在特种工业纸张行业从事过各种人力资源工作, 他被任命为主任。, 人力资源, International 纸 欧洲 in 1997. In 2000, 他被任命为主任。 strategic planning, International 纸 欧洲.

2001年至2010年, 普拉斯 served in the company’s distribution business, xpedx, 他在运营部门担任什么职务, 市场营销及综合管理. He was named vice president of 人力资源 for xpedx in 2006.

2010年9月,他被任命为十大正规赌平台平台人力资源制造总监. 他于2013年4月被任命为十大正规网赌游戏平台的官员,并被任命为副总裁, 人力资源-制造业, 技术, EHS&美国和全球供应链. From November 2014 until February 2017, 普拉斯担任副总裁, 人力资源, 全球业务. 他于2017年当选为人力资源和全球公民高级副总裁. 2023年1月, he was named senior vice president, Human 资源 and Corporate Affairs, with responsibilities for Human 资源, 航空, 房地产, 通信, 可持续性 and 政府关系.

普拉斯是健康转型联盟和阅读是基础(RIF)的董事会成员。. 他也是位于密尔沃基的威斯康星路德学院的董事会成员.

他持有Martin Luther College的教育学士学位和Vanderbilt University的工商管理硕士学位.

詹姆斯P. 皇室,小.
Senior Vice President, 纸板和回收
詹姆斯P. 皇室,小.
Senior Vice President, 纸板和回收

James (Jay) Royalty于1991年加入十大正规赌平台平台,从事过各种转换工作, 销售, 市场营销, 财务和领导角色. In 2008, Royalty was named a company officer and was elected senior vice president, 欧洲, 中东和非洲(EMEA), in 2019.

Royalty earned a degree in mechanical 工程 from Vanderbilt University.

约瑟夫·R. 萨博
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
约瑟夫·R. 萨博
Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

约瑟夫·萨博 joined International 纸 in 2001 as legal counsel for Environment, Health and Safety after working as an environmental lawyer for several years. 从2005年到2010年, he served in various positions in the corporate law group, including chief counsel – global governance and compliance and general counsel, 纸美洲. In 2014, 萨博 was named associate general counsel – Industrial 包装, 欧洲, 中东和非洲. 

In 2019, 萨博被任命为副总裁, 副总法律顾问, 十大正规网赌游戏平台助理秘书,负责十大正规网赌游戏平台法和企业卓越运营, as well as overseeing support for and advising the 董事会. He was elected senior vice president, general counsel & corporate secretary on July 1, 2022. 

Ksenia Sosnina
Ksenia Sosnina
Senior Vice President, 欧洲, the Middle East & 非洲
Ksenia Sosnina
Ksenia Sosnina
Senior Vice President, 欧洲, the Middle East & 非洲

Ksenia Sosnina was elected senior vice president, 欧洲, the Middle East & 2023年7月的非洲. 索斯尼纳于2013年首次加入十大正规赌平台平台,担任主管该十大正规网赌游戏平台俄罗斯纸张业务的官员和副总裁. 她于2015年成为Ilim Group董事会成员,随后于2016年被提名为Ilim Group的首席执行官. With over 25 years of industry experience, she has served in various positions, including general manager and vice president 包装 for Stora Enso, prior to joining International 纸.

Sosnina was recognized as 欧洲an CEO of the Year 2020 by RISI Fastmarkets, and the first woman to be nominated for this award.

Sosnina holds a Master’s degree in Economy & Finance from the Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering (MEPhI), Obninsk, Russia. 她还在南卡罗莱纳大学完成了市场营销和金融的商业实习, 美国.